
Create and export beautiful Google Ads reports in minutes.

Whether you're creating a report for a manager or your biggest client, share high-level metrics and key insights that make sense in a broader business context. Help stakeholders understand the value Google Ads brings to their business.

Opteo app screenshot of the reports dashboard. Exported Deliveroo Google Ads report cover. Exported Deliveroo Google Ads page one. Exported Deliveroo Google Ads page teo. Exported Deliveroo scorecard cover.

Google Ads Reports

Create templates with your brand and colours. Get auto-generated comments based on your performance data. Export and share with your team, managers, and clients. Use scheduling to automatically generate reports when needed.

Google Ads Reports

Opteo Scorecard

Get Google Ads performance snapshots with easy to understand, percentage-based scores. Learn more about performance drivers and areas that need some attention. Export and share with clients and colleagues in a click.

Opteo Scorecard

Sharing Google Ads reports with our team has never been easier. Opteo’s templates are well designed and allow us to create beautiful reports on the fly. Our data flows straight in.

João Ricardo Mendes

João Ricardo Mendes

CEO at Hurb
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