
Google Ads Alerts

Opteo monitors your Google Ads accounts for significant patterns. When something comes up, Opteo will create an alert to let you know. Alerts help you manage budgets, detect errors, record performance milestones, and more.

Opteo app screenshot of Opteo account center.

Budget Alerts

If an account is trending significantly under or over budget, Opteo will send you an alert with plenty of time to make adjustments. Feel safe knowing your budgets are always monitored.

Spend Over Budget
3 hours ago in
Spend Far Under Budget
1 day ago in Hotjar (UK)
Spend Under Budget
1 day ago in Deliveroo
Spend Over Budget
2 days ago in AXA (Brand EMEA)
Spend Over Budget
2 days ago in Opteo

Performance Alerts

When Opteo detects a significant change in a key performance metric, you'll receive an alert and some suggestions why this change might have happened. Performance alerts help you identify areas of concern and take action.

105% Cost Increase
1 day ago in Dropbox (UK)
Dropbox Logo
Opteo detected an unexpected cost increase of 105% in the campaign Remarketing Ads between February 13th and February 14th. Consider checking/adjusting your bids. If this change is expected, feel free to ignore this message.
Spend Over Budget alert graph
Responsible Campaign
Cost (13th Feb)
Cost (14th Feb)
Delta (%)
Remarketing Ads

Flatline Alerts

If an account flatlines for any reason, a failed payment method, a website error, or otherwise, Opteo will send you an alert right away. Ensure you're prepared for any worst-case scenarios.

09:34 AM

Performance Records

When an account hits a performance record, Opteo will create an alert. Share with clients and colleagues, build confidence, show them performance is heading in the right direction.

11:01 AM

We love that Opteo updates in real-time and notifications land directly in our Slack channel. This ensures our team is always in the loop and flags notable account changes as they happen.

Regan McGregor

Regan McGregor

Senior Growth Marketing Manager at Vervoe
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