
Get informative alerts and Slack messages as changes happen.

Whether overspending your budget or hitting new performance records, Opteo makes sure to keep you in the loop. Connect with Slack to get updates delivered to your favourite channel.

Opteo app screenshot with Opteo alert notifcations protruding out of the screen.

Google Ads Alerts

Opteo monitors your Google Ads accounts for significant patterns. When something comes up, Opteo will create an alert to let you know. Alerts help you manage budgets, detect errors, record performance milestones, and more.

Google Ads Alerts
11:01 AM

Slack Integration

Connect Opteo to Slack, get performance updates, budget alerts, and new improvements sent to a channel of your choosing. Make sure everyone in your team can stay in the loop.

Slack Integration
Opteo logo in Slack Message
Opteo App 10:47

Pause Underperforming Ad in Etsy

Etsy (Brand)
Ad Group
Direct Searchers
CPI Improvement
Etsy Losing Ad
Emma Marchbank 11:21

Conversions are looking pretty good @Thomas should we think about pausing this one?

Thomas Chen 11:26

Sounds good. We have some new copy to test too. Will send it over in the next few mins!

emoji ok sign 1

We love that Opteo updates in real-time and notifications land directly in our Slack channel. This ensures our team is always in the loop and flags notable account changes as they happen.

Regan McGregor

Regan McGregor

Senior Growth Marketing Manager at Vervoe
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