Remarketing isn't just good β it's incredibly powerful. However, it's surprising how many people aren't aware of its full potential and what you can actually pull off with Google Analytics.
If that's you, get ready for a treat. I'll guide you through your setup and show you some awesome things you can do.
STEP 1: Check Privileges
To avoid frustration, make your email address has either Standard or Admin access to both Google Ads and Google Analytics.
In Google Ads, you can view and edit your access level by heading to Tools & Settings, Access and Security, and checking the Access level column.
If you only have read-only or billing access, you will need to ask an account admin to edit your access level.
Or in Analytics, under Admin > Β Account Access Management
STEP 2: Link Analytics to Google Ads
In Analytics, under the Admin tab, navigate to Google Ads Links in the Property column.
Click the blue Link button, and choose your Google Ads account.
Once selected, enter a link group title, and turn linking ON for every view in the property that you want Google Ads data. Then, review and submit.
STEP 3: Link Google Ads to Analytics
In Google Ads, click the Tools and Settings icon and head to Linked Accounts. Find your Google Analytics account, click Manage & link.
Find your Analytics property, and in the Actions column click Link.
If you get stuck and can't link the property, double-check that you have Admin access for both Google Ads and Google Analytics and that the link group has been created successfully in Analytics.
STEP 4: Enable Remarketing in Analytics
In Analytics, under the Admin tab, look for the Property column. Click Data Settings, then Data Collection. Slide Google Signals Data Collection to on.
STEP 5: Build Lists (π)
Finally, the fun part.
In Analytics, under Admin > Property > Audiences you can now create a new audience by hitting the blue New Audience button.
You can either Create a Custom Audience or use one of the prebuilt audience suggestions. If you choose to create a custom audience, your options are limitless. Let me give you some examples of my favourite audiences to target:
People who have visited your blog:
People who have spent more than 2 minutes on your site:Β
People who have spent more than $50 with you:Β
STEP 6: Check Google Ads Audiences
Now you've created your audiences, you can do a quick check inside Google Ads to see if they show up. They're under Tools and Settings > Shared Library > Audience Manager.
To see which audiences in Google Ads were created via Google Analytics, select the filter Source - Google Analytics (GA4) and Firebase and click Apply:
STEP 7: Custom Combinations
Take it one step further by making custom combinations of the lists you just created. Click into the Combined Segments tab, and hit the blue + button.
A classic is combining anyone who has viewed their shopping cart, and no one that has made a transaction. This way you can target shopping cart abandoners.
Or "all users" and none of "anyone who has seen the landing page" to remarket to organic visitors or Facebook traffic that hasn't been shown your landing page.
Remarketing is severely underutilised and so incredibly powerful. Take some of these strategies and go crush your competition.
Happy remarketing!