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Opteo Alerts

A guide to the five types of alerts Opteo may send you, and how to receive them.

Shaquira Jeyasingh avatar
Written by Shaquira Jeyasingh
Updated over a week ago

Opteo Alerts act as an extra set of eyes on your account, closely monitoring your performance and sending you important notifications so you can stay on top of key changes.

Alerts cover 5 key areas:

  • Unexpected Changes

  • Budget

  • Performance Records

  • Zero Impressions

  • New Improvements

Unexpected Changes will catch unusual fluctuations in key metrics like cost, clicks and impressions.

Budget alerts are designed to keep you informed about your budget status, by providing warnings if it's projected to be under or over your target by the end of the month.

If you've opted into the Pause Spend When Over Budget feature, Opteo will send alerts as you approach your budget limit when we pause your campaigns, and when we reactivate them.

Zero Impressions monitors your impression count and gives you a heads-up if your ads have stopped running entirely. Whether it's an expired credit card, disapproved ads or human error, zero impressions typically warrant your attention.

New Improvements updates you on new recommendations in your accounts, making sure you're always aware of important optimisation opportunities.

Performance Records highlights milestones in your conversion performance, so you can share the good news with your team or client! When generating Conversion Record alerts, we look at the account default conversion actions that you have set in your Google Ads account.

By default, alerts are delivered by email. If you use Slack and would prefer to have alerts delivered to a Slack channel instead, see the help doc here for instructions.

If you'd like to mute a type of alert, or mute alerts for a particular account, check out this help doc.ย 

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