Disable Search Partner Sites

The search campaign AXA Brand is set to display ads on Google Search Partner sites. This is pushing up overall CPA. Click Disable Search Partner Sites to prevent ads in AXA Brand from being shown on Google Search Partner sites.

Learn more about search partner sites in Google Ads

Improvement Statistics


Google Network Cost

£8,423.40 was spent on the Google Network over the last 60 days.


Search Partner Sites Cost

£552.32 was spent on the Search Partner Sites over the last 60 days.


Google Network CPA

Ads on the Google Network had a CPA of £74.46 over the last 60 days.


Search Partner Sites CPA

Ads on Search Partner Sites had an average CPA of £276.16 over the last 60 days.

This improvement was last updated 2 days ago, using data from the last 60 days.