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Force CPI-Based Decisions for 'Pause Ad' Improvements
Force CPI-Based Decisions for 'Pause Ad' Improvements

Choose to ignore CTR-based recommendations and use only conversion data.

Shaquira Jeyasingh avatar
Written by Shaquira Jeyasingh
Updated over a week ago

Given enough conversion data, Opteo will use CPI (conversions per impression) when deciding which ad wins an ad test. We'll recommend you pause the ad with the lower CPI.

If our confidence in a CPI-based decision is less than 70%, Opteo will fall back on CTR. Whether we've used CPI or CTR as the performance indicator will be clearly labelled in the body of the improvement. 

Many users prefer to ignore CTR-based decisions and follow only CPI-based ones. If this is the case, you have two options: you can simply Dismiss any CTR-based Pause Ad tasks when they show, or you can prevent the CTR-based decisions from showing at all via your Client Settings

This GIF shows an older version of the app in action. New GIFs coming soon!

From within the specific account in Opteo, click the Settings button in the top right corner. Scroll down to CPI Override Settings, and tick the box labelled Ignore CTR-Based Pause Ad Tasks. Remember to click Update CPI Override Settings.  

From now on, Opteo will only show you Pause Ad Improvements based on CPI. Remember, these improvements need 70% statistical significance or above to trigger, so you may see Pause Ad less frequently. 

What is CPI and why is it useful?

Conversion Per Impression is a metric that shows the ratio between conversions and impressions (CPI = conversions / impressions). It's a way to incorporate both CTR and conversion rate. This way, you're truly optimising for the ads that generate the most conversions.

As an example, an ad with a better conversion rate but a worse click-through rate may result in less conversions than an ad with a worse conversion rate but a better click-through rate. Here's an example:

You can see that we would have picked Ad A as the winner if we were looking at CR%, but in fact Ad B is the better ad if you're looking to maximise conversions.

If you're looking to learn more about CPI, here's an in depth article about CPI in ad testing.

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